to change the world.
GreenStep is a social enterprise that helps businesses and organizations measure, report on, and improve their sustainability performance and take climate action. We provide sustainability and regenerative strategy development, climate action plans, product lifecycle analysis, and a range of certification programs, software tools, and consulting services.
corporate sustainability services
Our corporate sustainability consulting services are customized based on your size, goals and budget. We also offer a growing suite of standardized programs.
Training Programs & Certifications
Whether you’re just beginning your sustainability journey or well on your way, our suite of programs will help you take your efforts to the next level.
Grow an Eco Fund for Your Business
The GreenStep EcoFund program helps businesses generate a fund to invest in retrofits that save energy, water and waste, and reduce their carbon footprint.
Our Most Requested Services.
Energy, Water & Waste Audits
Virtual or onsite we help you create an action plan to reduce your impacts and your costs with energy, water and waste audits.
Sustainability Training
Engage and build capacity within your team around sustainability and climate change so you can create a culture of change-makers.
Product Life Cycle Analysis
We help you understand the full impact of your products along their entire lifecycle, from cradle to cradle or cradle to grave.
Carbon Footprint
Measure your organizational carbon footprint and work towards becoming carbon neutral using science-based reduction targets.
Sustainable Tourism
Assessment, certification and training programs for tourism businesses and destinations aligned with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.
Custom Programs
For utilities, local governments, industry associations and more, we can help you create programs to engage your stakeholders and drive meaningful change.
Let’s change the world.
The future belongs to those who understand that doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous and enduring, and thus more intelligent, even competitive. – Paul Hawken