Free Sustainability Score

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Wondering how you measure up?

Your free Sustainability Score will let you work through the GreenStep Sustainable Tourism criteria to get an idea of where your tourism business or destination is doing well, and where you have room for improvement.

What you Get


Your score will show your current level of sustainability against a holistic and internationally recognized set of criteria that measure management, social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects of your operations.


Use the results to identify where you are performing well, and where you have room for improvement. Visit our services page if you would like us to help analyze your results and create a custom action plan.


Along with your score, we offer free tools and resources to help you advance the sustainability of your business or organization. Visit our blog or events page for more information.

How it Works

Complete the form at the bottom of this page, and we’ll send you a link to create your online Sustainable Tourism account. Ensure that you self-identify as a tourism business or tourism destination when creating your account to access the correct criteria.

This can take anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the size and complexity or your business or organization. The business criteria contains 87 questions, and the destination criteria contains 117 questions. Responses will be saved automatically if you need to complete the assessment in several sessions. You can access your account again at any time here.

Once you have answered all of the questions, submit your assessment and view your free sustainability score.

The free sustainability scorecard will provide you with a high-level overview of how well you have performed in the areas of management, social, economic, cultural, and environmental sustainability. This will also be broken down by subcategory.

From the results of the assessment, you can make informed decisions about how to become a more sustainable tourism business or destination. If you would like guidance interpreting the results, access to your full report, or a comprehensive custom sustainability action plan,  we invite you to look at our services page for more information. We also encourage tourism businesses and destination to take the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge, which is a commitment to improving your sustainability score between now and 2030.

Need a little more information?