Energy Studies

Vault of National Gallery of Canada

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Unlock energy savings and optimize your building’s performance with GreenStep’s Energy Studies and Action Plans. We provide tailored energy management insights to help businesses identify energy-saving opportunities, reduce costs, and achieve sustainability goals.

Why conduct an energy study?

GreenStep utilizes RETScreen® to help businesses and organizations evaluate their current energy performance and identify opportunities for improvement. Through detailed data collection and analysis, we assess energy consumption across facilities and provide a comprehensive feasibility report comparing current performance with prospective high-efficiency retrofits.

The RETScreen® analysis delivers:

  • Insights to support future retrofits and funding applications for energy conservation initiatives.
  • A clear understanding of current energy usage and optimization potential.
  • Identification of energy-saving opportunities and GHG reduction pathways.
  • A detailed comparison of electricity/fuel savings and emissions reductions for proposed improvements.

Community energy plans

We begin by conducting detailed energy assessments of community and residential buildings to understand current energy consumption and highlight opportunities for improvement. Through stakeholder engagement, we ensure the entire community’s voice is heard, from residents to business owners, in shaping a plan that meets local needs. We then identify energy-conservation opportunities, explore options for renewable energy, and recommend high impact retrofits while aligning with available funding opportunities where possible.

Our process culminates in an actionable energy plan that includes short, medium, and long-term strategies for reducing energy demand, improving efficiency, and achieving net-zero ambitions.